Monday, March 16, 2009

Kindness Can Be Surprising... Again

This was another article from a while back (again from my trusted and always informative that caught my eye. I've been wanting to write a little something about it for a while now, much like the last article but never got around to it. Now I'm sitting at a Tully's Coffee in Wallingford and found the time to post it up to share with everyone and anyone.

The gist of the article is a Texas woman attending the foreclosure auction of her home. She is sitting at the back of the room when a stranger strikes up a conversation with her about home buying. The woman explains to the stranger that the home up for auction is hers and without any further conversation the stranger bids and wins the home. Once she has won the home she tells the woman that she did it for her and that she can continue living in her home--no strings attached.

A Good Samaritan is one way to describe the stranger, Marilyn Mock, who bought the home to help out the distressed woman, Tracy Orr. It is something that you rarely hear of. A woman buying a home, in the spur of the moment, to help another in need. This story is the perfect example of one person helping out another for no reason other than kindness and aid. I suggest you read the article to get the full and detailed story--it is one for the books.

As I mentioned in my last posting, it is this type of selfless kindness and generosity that can change the world. A pay-it-forward type of living that can and will pay certain dividends for everyone involved. When you help out others, not asking anything in return, you help yourself at the same time. That is something you can't achieve when only seeking profit and practicing frugality. It is something I am trying to to more and more of each day and I encourage everyone else to do too.

Again, I realize that most of us can not afford to purchase a house for a person or family in need but on a much smaller scale the effects are the same. If we all start positively participating just a little bit more, the changes will be real and noticeable.

- Mitch G


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