Bill Maher's Religulous

Let me just say... this film is AMAZING! Bill Maher hit it right on the nose with his documentary pointing out the ridiculous nature of "religion," both historic and modern.
Religulous is so well put together and benefits from a substantial amount of research data. The position taken by Maher is not one of an antagonistic nature, only an inquisitive one looking for honesty in others about their religious convictions. If an individual is not certain of their beliefs and has not fully investigated why they follow, it is easy to be offended and angered by the films message. This, however, is the entire point of the film; it is meant to uncork the minds of the masses and get society thinking about WHY they believe and not just about WHAT they believe.
To set the record very straight, Maher isn't in any way attacking "God" in the film. He doesn't even attack faith or sprituality. What he does take a hard stance against is participation in a religious system fueling some of the largest social problems our world has ever seen. We are looking towards a higher power to give us meaning and purpose in this life when we can not find it for ourselves. The fear of being alone and without direction is terrifying to many. The differing beliefs established over the centuries cause us to fight each other physically and emotionally while justifying it with divinity.
Religion, but most importantly religious participation as we know it is a flawed enterprise. There is no hard evidence to prove that one religion is the true and only religion or one God is the true and only God. This is what was examined and argued in the film. If there are so many varying beliefs and practices how can just one of them be so absolutely true? Why is it when religion becomes involved humanity and the value of our existence on this planet, for this lifetime, becomes so trivial?
"Religulous" outlines and exposes the fallacies of religion, both historic and modern, to open the eyes of those jaded by their participation. In turn it opens the door for others to freely voice their independence. The film confirms just how essential and satisfying it can be to think as an individual and be a part of our society--humanity--without direction and unfounded prophecy from a flawed system.
Bottom line, go see this movie. Whoever you are, whatever you believe, it is worth your time just to find out what nearly 16% of Americans believe to be true, or in this case, don't believe to be.
- Mitch G
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