Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Weird Al Yankovic's New Video - White & Nerdy

Well after reading my friend Jin Lee's recent blog post about the possibility of a Michael Jackson comeback I was emailed "Weird Al" Yankovic's newest music video and song "White & Nerdy."

First thing I have to say is that it certainly brought back memories from my childhood listening to Weird Al with my mother. She used to have his album and would listen to his songs often enough in the car and around the home that I never forgot him. Honestly, who couldn't forget the classic "Amish Paradise" from his 1996 Bad Hair Day album?

It looks like it was posted up on YouTube just over a week ago so I am a little behind but I have to say this has to be one unexpected comeback. Might it turn into a Mariah Carey type thing? I certainly hope so.

Either way, the online reviews read that others such as myself are enjoying his play on stereotypes, words and beats as much as I am and as much as they ever have. Hopefully this video is one of more to come--poking fun at modern pop-culture.

- Mitch G


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