Friday, July 07, 2006

First Post, First We-blog

Well I am told it is high time I started my own web log so that I too could have a creative outlet for my rants, raves and otherwise personal opinions. This seems like it might be a decent tool for all three things while avoiding the socialite catastrophe that surrounds Myspace and other internet "profile" sites.

Speaking of Myspace, it is just me or does the whole idea of the current Myspace community make one nauseous? I will admit I do have an account under my name Mitchell Greenblatt (Nickname: Mitch G) but I rarely, if ever use it. The one thing I try to do with Myspace is keep my "friends" list a list of true friends: people that I actually know, have met or have something in common with and would enjoy meeting. I was thrown off the bandwagon when I first signed up and started acquiring "friends" and this random lady from Spokane, Washington wrote me telling me I should drive over from Seattle to stay with her. All would have been grand except that she was never married, had a 4 year old child, was 30 years old herself and claimed to be a comedian by profession. That day I deleted any person I did not know and rarely logged on again. Who knows, maybe I will open up once more in the future.

Alright, that seems like enough for the first post. What what I will think to say (write) next...

- Mitch


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