Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who Doesn't Wash Their Hands?

You've all seen this person, you know you have, and if you truly have not... well... you're that person. The person I'm talking about is the guy (or gal) that doesn't wash their hands after they use the toilet.

I came across this article posted in the Health section revealing the percentage of people who do not wash their hands after using the restroom. This has been a pet peeve of mine for as long as I can remember and now the results make it even more concerning. The article focuses on men not washing their hands as frequently as women but the statistics show neither wash their hands as much as they should.
At any given time a full 1/3 of the men surveyed and nearly that much of women did not wash their hands after using the toilet!

I find myself momentarily queasy when I see someone use the urinal or walk out of a stall in a public bathroom and head straight for the door. Maybe I was raised with higher standards of hygiene as I could never imagine leaving a bathroom without washing my hands first with soap and water, especially in a public setting. I guess it could also be because I am a self-diagnosed partially obsessive-compulsive individual.

If any of the violators of the public hygiene law took the time to read about the spread of disease and germs they may think twice about their lack of hand washing when using the restroom, public or not. This is also a good time to tell those people that a little spritz of cold water and a paper towel will do nothing for you... or anyone else.

This is a personal cry from me to you: please, please wash your hands after every use of the bathroom. I don't want to get sick because you were too lazy to take the extra 20-30 seconds out of your potty break to do so. I, and all others who take the time to wash-up after dumping-out, thank you.

- Mitch G


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Brandon Budde said...

Hence why I always use a clean paper towel to open the door as I'm leaving the restroom. People don't wash their hands and I don't want to suffer because of it!

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Mitch said...

Precisely. As do I. Humans are generally inconsiderate beings.


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