Night At The Museum

When you see a Ben Stiller flick you know what type of movie you can expect. It will be something filled with slapstick humor, witty jokes and playful banter with a bit of entertaining, yet childish whining thrown in for good measure. This movie possessed all of those delightful 'Stiller' features and was thus quite entertaining.
It seems there are never enough movies to satisfy my desire for fantasy and wonder. This movie has plenty of fantasy and without a doubt makes you wonder. I enjoy leaving a theater and thinking to myself, "is that really possible" or "could that really happen someday?" It is even better when those feelings and thoughts are doused in a light and happy syrup.
As far as acting is concerned, you just can't argue with a star studded cast including not only Ben Stiller (Zoolander, Starsky & Hutch, Meet the Parents) but Owen Wilson (Zoolander, Starsky & Hutch), Robin Willams (Birdcage, Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting), Dick Van Dyke ("The Dick Van Dyke Show"), and Mickey Rooney among others. There was so much going on in the movie, with a handful of actors on screen at any given moment it was hard to become truly attached to one (albeit Ben Stiller), but worked well for the film. I particularly enjoyed Mickey Rooney's character "Gus" and his quick-witted name calling. In all, you will laugh, jump and awe at the magic brought to life by this talented cast.
I saw this movie oh a whim when there was nothing else at the right time. I can't say I was pining to see it but I'm definitely glad that I did. It is a great movie for all ages and tastes. The Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and supporting cast compilation has done a great entertainer again. I give "Night At The Museum" 3.5 "Mitch Heads" for a fun movie good to see at any time.
Let's look forward to more entertaining movies and movies that make me 'wonder' in 2007.
- Mitch G
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