Tuesday, January 30, 2007

But The Accountant Too?!

Let me just make this disclaimer first: it might be that the man I speak of next is paying the extra expense out of his own pocket, but I highly doubt it. Ok... on with the rant...

It hasn't been revealed openly yet, but I am in Sacramento, California working as a business consultant for a friend's recently purchased company. The financial director from my friend's corporate offices in Orange County is here helping with an internal audit. The only thing I can't figure out is why this financial guy comes here and rents a $150/day luxury car when his commute is only five minutes from the office to the hotel.

This goes against all known business practices of my friend and his companies. His motto has always been to use only what you need, splurge only when necessary or when deserved and reinvest all excess back in the business. Apparently his financial director does not understand or respect this proven way of doing business.

So I ask: even if you oversee the financials at your work, is it ever ok to treat yourself when it reflects poorly on the company?

- Mitch G


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